Etsy Italia Team

1/06/2013 Unknown 1 Comments

   Last week I joined the team ETSY ITALIA , a team that reunites all the shops of italian artist and artist that reside in I though that now this suited me. I'm living in Italy from almost two years now. 

  << I had come here for my MBA and now I work in an multinational corporation as an interior architect..pretty cool, no!? But in the end the world of hand-made is my all-time dream. Crocheting and Knitting is something that relaxes me and my head after a week of work.

"So this year resolution is to TO BE PASSIONATE every day or at least one day in every week .">>

In this mosaic you can find some of my favorite items of artist that are part of this team, every item  is cool in their way. Enjoy!

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1 comentarii:

s-naturata said...

Grazie!!! Tra gli articoli che hai scelto c'è il mio lampadario viola, un po' della mia luce è nel tuo post!!!!!